A downloadable game for Windows


You use a Gizmo gun to scale colorful blocks to "scale" the hole you find yourself in. The gun has a limited charge which you can refill in the sparkly zones as you will discover.


  • Ragnaron
  • Xaver Schwer (xschwer)

Game Idea/Design - Ragnaron/xschwer 
Code - Ragnaron
Gun/Hole model - xschwer
Level Design - Ragnaron/xschwer
Recharge sound by Ragnaron using Bfxr

External Assets: 

Licensed under CC0

Lego Bricks
Ruler and set square
Landing Sound
Laser Sound

Licensed under CC by 4.0

Rocket toy
Wind up key
Music Children's March Theme by Cleyton Kauffman
Scaling Sound

Licensed under CC by 3.0

Victory Theme Precipice of Victory Composed by Jonathan Shaw
Footstep Sound

GMTK24 GameJam branding images provided by GMTK24 GameJam


GizmoGunScaling1.0.zip 32 MB

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